Monday 26 February 2018

Sleepover Fun

Once a month we have a sleepover at our house for mine or Gerhard's Small Group (discipleship group). It is a lot of fun and the kids love it! We really have a heart for these kids and love having them come to our house for Small Group time (weekly), sleepovers (monthly) and other fun trips and activities, like swimming, ice creams, horse riding etc. Our kids really relate to these kids and they are really looked after by our Small group kids.

During a sleepover, we make them dinner and desert and then we watch a movie together on the projector (in French with English subtitles, for us!) and then we make them beds on mattresses on the lounge floor. In the morning, we cook them breakfast and they get to play before heading back to their house. Its always a lot of noise, and activity, and last time the power went out for most of the night, so we lit the candles and finished watching the movie (Prince Caspian) by crowding around the laptop (good thing, the battery was charged!).

All our Iris kids (153 of them) are in a Small Group led by a missionary or leader, and it is in these small groups, that we get to get to know a smaller group of kids more personally as well as to disciple them and celebrate their birthdays.

Lately, I have been talking about hearing God's voice with my Small Group, and we have been practicing hearing God's voice. All my girls have been growing in hearing God's voice, and feeling His presence. Hallelujah!

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