Monday 26 February 2018

Hearing the Voice of God

This morning in Iris Church I had the opportunity to talk on something that God has been talking to me about recently - Hearing God's Voice. Many people believe that God loves them, in the sense that God loves the world sense, but don't really know HOW much He loves them, until they hear Him talking to them. There is a war to keep us deaf, but the irony is that there is no such thing as spiritual deafness!

Every morning as part of our Family Bible Time, we spend 5-10 minutes where we all go off to different parts of the garden or house and ask God what He wants to say to us today. There is no such thing as a Junior Holy Spirit! Immanuel (4), Mary-Beth (6), Tabitha (8) all regularly hear God speaking to them and we have given them special books to record God's words to them.

My Iris Discipleship Group

For the last few months, I have been teaching my Iris Small Group (discipleship group) on hearing God's voice, and every week when we meet together we go and practice trying to hear God's voice. They have all been hearing God's voice. It is so encouraging for them and for me. There are only 2 truths. #1 God ALWAYS speaks! #2 Our ears work just fine!

If you would like to learn more about how to teach your children (or adults) how to hear God's voice, I would encourage you to buy Lisa Max's book "Conversations With Our Creator". It is simple, easy to read and easy to teach from. It is $5 US and downloadable in a digital format.

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