Friday 8 September 2017

A Day in My Life as a Missionary Mum


  1. How busy you all are. What home school programme do you use. I dint know y9u made colodil silver. What is . I have heard of it for aches and pains but didnt know you could clean stuff with it. The children are really growing so much . We miss you guys but know y9u are doing Gods work

    1. We use Sonlight, Math U See and just started using Story of the World. Colloidal Silver - yes I researched it, they also were using it to clean in Mexico. You can also drink it for colds/flus/tummy bugs/strep throat and lots more. You can use it for conjunctivitis in the eyes also for cuts and skin infections, warts and lots more! Thank you Justine, we miss you guys too and love you guys heaps.

  2. Thanks very interesting! Can you slow it down a bit so we can read all the words.

    1. Just push pause on the slideshow if you want to read the words. The pause button is under the photos.
