Friday 23 June 2017

Lunch Time Feeding Programme

Every Thursday Gerhard does lunch time feeding programme at Iris and he has been taking one of our kids with him each time. Lunch time feeding programme is where a lot of poor kids in the community come to hear the Gospel and are fed a big lunch. Iris does this three times a week. For a lot of these children, this will be their only meal each day. Tabitha, Mary-Beth and Immanuel have been really brave and been able to share their testimony, talk about Jesus and what He has done for us, and have been able to pray for the kids. Mary-Beth prayed for two boys who were sick, and one boy got healed instantly (her first miracle!). The community kids have really appreciated hearing from kids their age and even gave Tabitha a standing ovation when she finished. We aim to involve our kids in our ministry as much as possible, and it touches our heart to see them growing spiritually and more in love with Jesus, as well as in character.

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