Friday 21 October 2016

From Taumarunui to Madagascar


In short: Gerhard is working as a teaching Principal; Rebekah is homeschooling Tabitha, and our two youngest children, Mary-Beth and Immanuel, are enjoying kindy. We are expecting our forth (living on earth) child, due end of January and hope to return to Madagascar, God willing, in April 2017 to once again serve as full-time missionaries with Iris Madagascar. To do this, we need to have enough support pledged to us, that we can live over there with our family of six. As our work is 100% voluntary, we rely on others and God to provide for our needs. It is an exciting time for us!

Immanuel (nearly 3) feeding Petal, our pet lamb
Mary-Beth (nearly 5)
Tabitha (nearly 7)

It has been a while since we have written to you all. Last year, in June, we had to unexpectedly come home for a medical emergency. Tabitha had crushed her finger in a door, and it developed into a nasty bone infection. Our insurance company and medical missionaries in Madagascar advised us to return home. In January of this year, her bone infection was finally gone. Gerhard has been working this year as a beginning principal at a small country school half an hour out of our home town Taumarunui in New Zealand. This has given him many new skills in leadership, that can benefit the team at Iris Madagascar.

During that time, it was hard for us to unexpectedly just pack up and leave Iris Madagascar, when we felt from God that we still had so much more to do there. God miraculously provided money for return plane tickets, a car for us in NZ, a teaching job for Gerhard and so much more. We really felt His hand of provision over us!

The months that followed our return to NZ, while amazing in many ways, were also very challenging. It was hard for us to come back to NZ, with no warning whatsoever. We also wanted to talk lots about our experiences in Madagascar, and found it hard when people seemed not interested in talking about our lives over in Mada (which we thought were so exciting, as they were so different!). We couldn't understand why people often acted like nothing had changed for us, when so much had! Maybe it was because people didn't know what to say, or just couldn't relate - how could they, when both worlds are almost opposites! Its hard to really describe what a place is like, unless they have lived in another third world country, and not many had!

Shortly after we arrived in NZ, we were excited to find out I was expecting again. Everything seemed to be going well, I had had less morning sickness than normal, but still enough that I thought everything was fine. It was a few days after our 12 week scan, that we got the news that something was most likely wrong with our baby. The next 3-4 weeks were really hard for us, as we met with different specialists, had more scans and worried about what might be wrong with our baby. We were preparing ourselves for the worst, but still held hope, that perhaps there was nothing wrong with our child.

In my 15th week of pregnancy, at a routine midwife check, there was found to be no heart beat. Our midwife tried to reassure us that there was probably nothing wrong, baby was just too small and could be hiding by my spine. The next night, we went to the hospital. It was to our extreme sadness that we learnt our precious baby had passed away. 

The next few weeks (and months) were really painful for us, as anyone who has lost a child or a baby can understand. We discovered from the post-mortem that we had a daughter, she had heart problems and was unable to keep growing with a heart that couldn't support her. We named her Rebekah Janice (my name). Although, as Christians, we believed we would see her one day and know her for all of eternity, it was still hard to see other pregnant women or newborn babies. In fact, even now, I (Rebekah) find it challenging and emotional to see other babies that are about the same age, Rebekah would have been.

At the end of 2015, Gerhard applied for and got a maternity cover one year Principal/Teaching job at a small country school half an hour out of Taumarunui. Our two youngest children attend our local kindy (the same kindy Tabitha used to go to before we moved to Madagascar). I have been continuing to homeschool Tabitha, as we felt this was the direction we were supposed to go, coming back from Madagascar, and having homeschooled over there (as there are no English schools in Madagascar).

In May, we were overwhelmed, excited, but also nervous to find out I was carrying again. Through out much of my first half of this pregnancy, I have been worried that every cramp was a sign that I was micarrying. However, having two positive scans now, and feeling baby move lots now, I know everything will be ok. 

Baby is due end of January. Gerhard is working Term 1 at his current job and we hope to return to Madagascar in April, 2017 if all goes to plan and we get all the support we need to be able to serve as missionaries again full time with Iris Madagascar.

Please pray for us
* Thank God for His provision for us while we were in Madagascar and since coming back to NZ and pray that we would get the support we need to be able to serve as full-time missionaries in Madagascar.
* Pray God's leading is clear for us over the next few months.
* Thank God for this pregnancy, and pray that everything will go well with the rest of the pregnancy, labour and birth of our baby (due end of Jan).
* Please pray for our family, for continued health, energy during the busy times, and a closer walk with God.
* Pray for closer relationships with people across NZ, and also with our Iris team members and friends in Madagascar.
* Pray for all the organisational aspects that need to happen before we can leave, such as, booking plane tickets, buying health insurance (for Madagascar), renewing passports, getting vaccinations etc.
* Pray for our Iris team in Madagascar, for unity, increased finances, protection and hearts focused on God and His will.
* Pray for our children in Iris Madagascar, for protection, health, and a closer relationship with our Saviour.

If you are interested in supporting us..
We would love to hear from you if you are interested in supporting us financially, in prayer, with encouragement or with moral support. Our work is 100% voluntary, and we need people to partner with us in this. 

Our bank details are: Account Name: RJ & GC Potgieter, Bank: ANZ, Account Number: 01-0755-0190834-47 Please put your last name as reference.

You can also donate to us through Pen Pal. It is free to create an account, you just need our email address: Pen Pal may be cheaper for overseas supporters. There will be a fee for sending or receiving international payments between 0.3-3.3% which varies by country.

Contact details
For more details or to go on our newsletter list, you can email us at or phone us on 0224387404. 

You can also view our blog at: 

Our current address for writing is: 5 East Street, Taumarunui, 3920, NZ.

Please let us know if you no longer want to receive these updates, or if you have changed your email address.


  1. Hi Guys
    Nice to hear a summary of everything that's been happening even though a lot has been tough. We are in Tauranga at present though will need to move house in the next few months so waiting to see what that holds for us. blessings on you all Simon Tracey-jayne and Samuel

    1. Hi guys so nice to hear from you! We often go over to Tauranga, so you should pm us your cell number and we can catch up some time when we are over. If you are ever passing through Taumarunui, you are welcome to stay a night (or 2) and visit with us! :)

  2. Beautiful update, Gos is so good. I often am amazed at how God changes and renews our thinking. Ever since we have come to Samoa God has show cased His faithfulness and provision for our missiou. Trust in the Lord is what we have and still are learning and how to let go and let God. He has always reminded us to rest. To be still. And that His heart is to bless His children. Thank you for your support and prayers for us here in Samoa.

    1. Sorry for the spelling mistake God is good. 😋
