Monday 5 March 2018

Gerhard doing training and development

Over the past year, I (Gerhard) have had such a hunger and desire in me to grow in my own personal development, knowledge, understanding and skill of being a better leader. I am constantly reading, listening, talking and studying about leadership and how to grow and develop healthy teams. Partly the reason for this is is that I have observed that as John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership” and the impact that both good and bad leaders make on society and people’s lives.

Along with this, I have observed the difference it makes when people work in an environment where there is a strong, healthy team environment and the benefits that go along with that. I feel very much called to teach, train and lead in these two areas.

Over the past few months, I have had the privilege to utilise some of my skills and knowledge in training and equipping teams and groups of people in these two areas. It has been such a joy! I really feel like I come alive when I can talk to a group of people and discuss with them what they can do to improve their own personal leadership and grow their team environment.

As a result, God has been opening doors for me to do training and development across different parts of Iris, such as with our leadership team, the next layer of leaders in our organisation, our school’s principal and teachers and our house parents. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Along with this, God has been organically opening some doors to do similar stuff in other organisations.

Above all else, I also know that even if you have the best strategies, and you don’t know Jesus and make Him number one priority, that there will always be an empty void. I am reminded of this and make it my aim to start the sessions with seeking God first and reminding people what type of an amazing God we serve. I am very grateful to the Lord for giving me these opportunities and have great intention to be faithful with it.

Sorry, not many photos :) I always seem to forget to take some!