Monday 24 July 2017

Street Evangelism


As one of the school holiday activities for the Iris kids, Gerhard has been doing street evangelism every Friday morning. The last 2 times, he has taken along Tabitha and Mary-Beth, as well as some of the Iris kids. They have had the opportunity to share their testimonies with the locals in our village and to pray for the sick. One time they prayed for someone, who reported that they were healed. Another time they prayed for a homeless young mum who had a toddler and a newborn baby. She had nothing and lived on the street (in winter). It is a great opportunity to grow their compassion, faith and courage in sharing about God and praying for strangers.


Saturday 22 July 2017

Rubbish Dump Outreach

My Iris Small Group of girls blew me away on Thursday...

Our Iris kids are on the long school holidays and Gerhard came up with the idea that every small group should serve our local community in some way over their break. My (Rebekah's) Small Group came up with the idea of ministering at the local rubbish dump.

Tabitha and Hoby with the rest of our team already on rice fields
So on Thursday, we walked across the rice fields to Golana, our neighbouring rubbish dump community. There are about 250 families that live in and work in the rubbish in extremely poor dirty conditions. Children in dirty ragged clothing without shoes, babies tied on the backs of girls as young as 5, the stench of rotting rubbish, houses made out of cardboard and scraps of corrugated iron and roofs held down by rocks and tires are just some of the sights that I take in.

We made our way to the school building that Iris has recently made. This coming school year will be the first year that Golana will have a school. It is a single simple room, with a blackboard at each end and benches around the edges.

About 40 children and a few mamas follow us like the pied piper into the school. Tabitha is the first to preach. She talks about God and how much she loves Him. As her Mum, I am so proud of her. Then 3 of my Small Group girls get up one by one and talk about God and read from their Bibles. Afterwards, we ask if anyone would like prayer, and some children and one mum ask for healing. We all surround them and pray for them.

Sydia sharing God's Word
Then the moment came which really melted my heart. My Iris girls had voluntarily decided to bring clothes and toys to give to the poor. I was so humbled, with how generous they were. They didn't just bring one thing each, they had brought lots to give away. Wow. I was speechless.

Hoby on the left, Tabitha standing next to the girl wearing the headband that Tabitha had given her.
Then, while we were waiting for the school key to be returned, Hoby, one of my Small Group girls, all her own without prompting, puts her arm around a girl from Golana, and starts sharing about Jesus with her. Yeah!!! Go Hoby! I can picture her as a preacher/evangelist.

Listening to the Word of God
Sometimes, you give out, and sometimes you receive. Today was one of those days that I received more that I gave.

"For out of the mouths of little children and infants, You have built a fortress against your opponents to silence the enemy and the avenger." Psalm 8:2